We know you’re perplexed about why we are trying to relate Dhokra pieces with your car interiors. So, let’s get to it straightaway. Car decor or accessorising is one of the most personal things to do.
All year round, the people of Odisha and the world await, with all their love and devotion, to witness the grandiose chariots of Jagannath Mahaprabhu and his siblings Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra.
Choosing a laptop bag can be more difficult than you think. Apart from a good look and style, there is always so much more we all are looking for, to carry one of our most important electronic devices.
Dad and superhero are two words that each of us often consider one and the same. From opening stuck lids to rescuing us from mom’s wrath, a dad is like a friend, a companion and a protector crammed into one body.
Lord of the Universe, Kalia, Mahaprabhu and the great Lord Jagannath - whatever you call him, he is one deity in India who is known to be one among the masses. He is cared for, he bathes, he drinks, and occasionally also goes on holidays!
India’s true identity lies in its diversified culture, traditional beauty and conventional artworks. Today, we have a distinctive art style for almost every region of the country owing to unique livelihoods and creative thinking. However, the most exquisite of all our art forms is the tribal ...
The line perfectly describes the place of our beloved mothers in our life. A woman who gave birth to you, cares for you, nurtures you, and is always there for you - that woman is an embodiment of the whole universe in a single being and she is undoubtedly a mom!
Akshaya Tritiya is the most auspicious day of the year. Laden with mythological significance, good luck and the auspiciousness to make new beginnings, this day has long been considered as a precious tradition in India.
The warm summer rays after the chilly winters are a welcome change. From basking in the sun to attending beach parties, and from casual looks to evening outings, one thing we must always be prepared for is a wardrobe makeover with the season change.
A home is complete when there is positivity and good vibes! When it comes to our home, we leave no stone unturned to light it up with beautiful decors, that not only lit up our home, but also lit up our hearts!